Saturday, March 12, 2011

Big Hugs to Japan

I have spent hours watching the news, the you tube videos, and meditating over the crisis in Japan. I can only imagine what those people are going through. Even though the Japanese people are used to earth quakes, tremors, and such, the tsunami has just devastated so many rural areas. My heart is in my throat while waiting for news on the nuclear power plants. Yes, there are Americans in the country, but the fact is that humans and animals are missing by the thousands. What can we do? How can we help? I found a website with links to a few organizations already hard at work in Japan. Also, you can donate to the red cross.Linden Labs has created a donation collection account in the form of marketplace ads for Teddy Bears. I purchased one earlier today, my account was charged, but I did not receive anything. My guess is that so many people are purchasing the bears that the marketplace can not keep up, HURRAY!
A friend of The Pixel Bean, Delusional Dawlish, has a close loved one in Japan, stationed there in the US military. My thoughts are with them both. She had this to say,
Feeling helpless, all I could think to do was to make a t-shirt for the SL supporters and make it available free with full perms it is included in a note card with donation information all free to copy and transfer.


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